Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Where to start when developing your spiritual energy.........

I always start everyone in the same place with the same set of meditations when developing your spiritual energy. While your higher self will always guide you to the right place many people have not learned to listen to their higher self and need some direction on where to start. Everything seems so complicated and there is so much information out there, but where do you begin. I like to begin with you! We start with the root chakra and meditate with its energy for a full month. This is not 30 days it is just the month. You start July 1st and end the last day in July. I know the months are not even, but this is a great practice to get into to help break up the monotony we are use to. It prepares us to understand that energy is not on a regular schedule and while there is some consistency in nature we begin to understand that life is about being able to be fluid. I like to start people with a basic pendulum meditation that they practice every day for the month. You sit with the pendulum and think only about the chakra point you are in for that month. We begin with the root chakra for one month, then the sacral, next the solar plexus, then the heart, next the throat, then the third eye, and finally the crown. This takes us 7 months to get through. Each month we begin to get stronger and deeper into energy. As we work with each chakra point we start by just feeling what is going on in that chakra point. What thoughts come to you as you think of this chakra point? This will tell you the types of energy or memories you have stored in it. You may find memories that make you angry or thoughts that bring you to unrest. When you find these feel peace. Come to balance with them. This is what you will need to work through to bring this chakra point to balance. Also when you feel the energy in this chakra point feel how the energy flows through it. Are there parts that feel blocked or hurt (the pain reveals blocks). You want the energy to flow freely and balanced. Use the color from each chakra point to cleanse and balance your energy. The pendulum will deepen your connection to the movement in each chakra point as it reacts to the energy flow. I like the pendulum because it makes you feel more connected to your energy on a physical level and we stop thinking of energy as an invisible force. When you see the pendulum move while you are the one holding it and you are not physically moving you begin to realize just how powerful your energy is!

After the seven chakras and getting to know you on a deeper level you then transition to getting to know life for the next 5 months. You work in the five elements just as you worked in your chakras (1) earth, (2) air, (3) fire, (4) water, and (5) spirit. This will give you the best ground basis for working with energy and knowing energy. You will understand how it flows inside of you and in the rest of the world as well. It is in the time it takes, a year and a day that you will take the full voyage of changing your thoughts and opening your minds eye!

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