Saturday, January 31, 2015

Healing Work Deep Internal Meditation Using a Mala

In life our scars can give us power. They create a surge of strength from the anger that gives us the power to survive. That anger turns into a rooted form of strength. It helps us move through obstacles and times that we did not know we could move through. It also weakens our moments of possible peace. When you have been hurt you want to be able to defend yourself so that you can feel balanced. Knowing that you stood up for yourself allows you to feel secure and safe again. People who have been through extreme hurt get addicted to the power of that rage. They get stuck in continuous cycles of feeling the weakness from the pain and then use the power of anger to push through again. This will come in the forms of continuous thoughts that cycle and portion the blame to who has hurt them. The person who has been hurt gets stuck in this defense mode which prevents them from having completely healthy relationships with themselves. This can also cycle outward and prevent them from having healthy relationships with friends or family. You feed and fester on your thoughts. You reach out externally for help. Eventually the weight from what you are carrying becomes too much for others to carry and they have to walk away from you. You feel alone and scared and sad and betrayed. This is an unhealthy cycle and it all starts with you. None of us want it to start with us when we are the ones who have been hurt, but it shows a deeper weakness within us. One that only we can heal.

The healing process starts with your thoughts. Continuing to have the negative thoughts does not give you power it does just the opposite. It takes your power away. It perpetuates a negative energy void into your energy. (Negative not being bad, but scientific for drawing out of energy in using Positive energy you fill and take in. This can be just as bad when we take in too much.) In this negative void the thoughts you are filling it with are those of hurt and betrayal. So what you are putting into your life is hurt and betrayal. You are creating an external focus so you are never focused on healing you. This changes the energy format to putting those who hurt you first. That which you are thinking of is what you are putting first. This further takes away your power. A positive healthy person does not have to think about all these things because they do not see them, feel them or face them. They only see, think and feel the happiness. Many times we feel after we have been hurt that if we do not think about these things and hold the people that hurt us responsible for their actions that they can continue to hurt us. This is not true. Once the boundary has been set our ability to live a happy life then they will fade into their own world and have to deal with their own energy and what they have done. The transfer of energy shows us that when we let go of someone else's energy that it has no choice but to return to its source. Another idea people have is that they have to make the person pay for what they have done to become their discipline. The question becomes when do you stop taking responsibility for being their teacher and let God or Life be their teacher? It is not their destiny that you are responsible for it is yours. Send a good dose of healing energy and then walk away. Let life naturally teach them what they need to learn.

You need to focus on healing you. Your life cannot always be about the scars that you carry. Your life has to be about much more than that. So starting with your thoughts. Begin to make the only thoughts you think of be about love. Draw your energy into you. Stop trying to talk to people about what has hurt you. No more focus on what has hurt you. Your only focus is on love. It is a very powerful word. Every time you feel yourself thinking of this or wanting to reach out, ground into you and say the word "Love". After about the 15th time you do this you will begin to feel the grounded positive strength you are looking for. In following the traditions of the Mala (prayer beads) we need to say things 120 times to begin the power of creation. You have to become your own strength. Just like working out you cannot expect someone else to make you thinner or stronger. All this has to come from you. If you were to continue to ride on someone else's back as they ran on the treadmill you would eventually make them collapse. The strength of everything has to come from you working it out and working through it.

Purchasing a Mala is a great tool for healing. It allows you to work through knowing you said something 108 times. It is also an easy tool to help you get through this. You focus on the parts that hurt you, but only to find where you are weak. For each bead say love. Focus only on the word love. Do not allow yourself to think the negative thoughts that are in that space. Do not allow yourself to feel the hurt that is in that space. When you do feel love. You know what love is even if you have not received a lot of love in your life, because you have given a lot of love in your life. Start with giving yourself the love you give to others. Make yourself feel the way you make other people feel. Keep doing this daily as many times as you need it until you feel nothing but love and strength from that love. Til you do not think about the pain from your scars anymore.

Next create simple affirmations to say to yourself when you begin to feel the weakness throughout the day. As you feel yourself slipping say to yourself "I love you/me "You/I am beautiful" "You/I am Amazing" I put in a change of words because sometimes it just feels good to say you to yourself as if you are having someone talk to you and give you the comfort that you are needing.

This will not be an easy process, but the more you draw your energy into heal you the more your will help your scars to disappear. This will allow you to attract the relationships with life, self and others that you are looking for. Eventually that which has hurt you moves away from you and you have the most beautiful you that you can think of!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Book Release! A Fragment of A Story

After a long time of trying to find the right channel to publish my book, I finally found a way through Create Space. This has been a small and beautiful blessing. Take a spiritual journey of healing the mind, body & spirit with me. Through my quotes & photos of my travels you can see the strength it takes to look inside and become you!

To purchase my book click on this link to Create Space:

Sunday, January 25, 2015

30 Day Meditation Challenge

Don't Hold Yourself Back

Sometimes life can really get us down. We can become so absorbed in the cumbersome parts of our mundane being that we cannot break free to accomplish even the simplest of our goals. As we continue to take on vast amounts of responsibility we can forget to just enjoy life and what we are doing. Some of the smallest successes seem impossible. Yet it is in the small successes that we learn to feel in control again. As you come through the stresses of life it is important to remember to take time to just stop and breathe. Some people say it is "stopping to smell the roses", but for me it is taking time out to sit in the parking lot on top of a mountain, or looking at the clouds make shapes. In some cases it is just taking time to read a book. These things are so simple yet sometimes we just do not have the luxury to afford them. When we finally clear away or organize all that holds us back we begin to have time to focus on self again. This is one of the best ways that you can love yourself. Motivation and life start in you. If you cannot make yourself happy then you will never find happiness! Today's post is about taking time to invest in you. Don't Hold Yourself Back! Learn to live within the moment. Even in a moment of drowning in stress and tears, find a way to press pause. Bring out your crazy side and say in this moment of I am crying and going crazy from everything that has to get done, I press pause. Take your moment, read a book, step outside, breathe in the natural air, then you can go back in and continue what you were doing before. This helps to relieve stress and anxiety when the world has given you more than you can handle! And if you are really into your crazy moment of pressing pause, take a few moments to accomplish a little thing. Something simple like publishing a book or scrubbing the bathtub. When you get done you will find that you have lifted your spirit, grounded your emotions, and helped open your mind so that you can go back to the heaviness of your thinking!

Blessed Be!