Tuesday, May 6, 2014

How to Make 5 minute Porridge

The biggest lie/excuse we tell ourselves when starting the path of healthy living is "I do not have the time". Many of our favorite stuff only takes minutes to make. We feel that if we are waiting in McDonald's for 5-15 minutes in line that we got our food fast because we did not have to put the effort into cooking it. I have found over the years that I actually spend more time waiting for food that is not good for me than I take in cooking the food that is healthy for me. I also started to learn that there is much more to eating than time. I have noticed that since leaving McDonald's food alone except in emergency situation (such as I am out and cannot get home to cook & have to eat before my sugar levels drop. And then only eating a salad or a yogurt) my body feels a lot better! Food has gained more value than simply the stuff I fill my body with when it is hungry. It has begun to become what I enjoy both while I am eating it and afterwards! In this I have been spending more time getting to understand how food goes together. I like to spend one day a week cooking larger meals and then dividing them in Tupperware so that I can eat it throughout the week. I will spend 2-3 minutes heating up my food that is healthy rather than standing in line for 5-15 minutes for food that will make me feel unhealthy!

This is a bit of an introduction to get to my 5 minute porridge recipe but this is how I came to learn about how to make 5 minute porridge. It is a really simple process and I enjoy my oatmeal every morning! First I add water, sea salt and the oatmeal to the pot. I turn it on a medium heat. When the water comes to a boil your oatmeal will turn instantly to porridge texture. I stir and turn off the heat. Then I add organic raw sugar, raisins, dried fruits (cost about $1-$2 a bag), and almonds. My husband loves to add a teaspoon of peanut butter and melt it into his. My son loves it without the almonds and several different dried fruits like blueberries, pomegranate, and cherries. Make it to your liking! One of the great things about learning to eat healthy is rediscovering your taste buds and getting away from the common foods or turning the common foods into exceptional foods! Experiment & Enjoy!!!!!

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