Monday, May 5, 2014

My first time Juicing! A lot of Fun!

Today was my first time Juicing! I have heard a lot about it over the years, but I never really jumped on the bandwagon. It looked like a lot of work and I did not understand the benefits. Doing more research about my Fibromyalgia led me to learn about the benefits of Bromelain and Dark Green Leafy veggies. Both are healthy for fighting the swelling that comes with Fibro. In my last swelling series I went from a size 14 to almost a size 20 in 3 weeks. I was suffering from brain swelling and I was determined not to have to take medication again because I knew it would not help. I started taking some natural herbs and the swelling is coming down significantly. In the last 2 weeks I have gone from almost a size 20 to comfortably fitting in a size 16 with a little wiggle room in the legs.

I have noticed during this time the ups and downs my body goes through as my overactive immune system does not want to become balanced. This has led me to Bromelain and Dark Green Leafy veggies which help to stop the swelling cells known as Cytokines. Bromelain is found in pineapple which is also good for green smoothies, although I did not use it for it this time. My first time juicing was to create juice concentrates that I can use to enhance my smoothies. I am limited to the amount of sugars I can drink and store style juice tends to have quite a lot of sugar in it!

I picked up a basic juicer as our choices are limited in South Korea especially where I am at. And I began the juicing process with 4 Apples, 4 Oranges, 5 Lemons & 13 Strawberries!

You can see that the oranges made more juice than any of the other fruits! And now I have concentrate which went well with my fresh pineapple, a little coconut milk and some water to thin it all out!
If you are interested in Juicing try it! It makes a bit of a mess, but it was a lot of fun and I really enjoy the product! I do not just know how fresh my juice is, but I also know what is added to it!

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