Sunday, July 20, 2014

Tree Cleansing Meditation

This is a great meditation for those with active minds! In this mediation you work with nature and the elements. We get a deeper understanding of how becoming one with a tree and the element of water can help us to cleanse our mind, bodies & spirits.

As in all meditations we start with grounding and centering our bodies through the breath. Through the breath we naturally transition into a full grown and beautiful tree. You can choose any tree that you like or that comes to you. In meditation sometimes we naturally attract that which will help us on our journey. For some they enjoy researching the type of tree they would like to become based on what each tree means. For me I just let my spirit guide me.

In tree form you begin to feel the roots of your tree, how they feel in the dirt, how your roots connect to your trunk, how your trunk connects to your branches, how your branches connect to your leaves, how your leaves connect to the air and sun, how you connect to you and the world!

In establishing this connection you will feel your mind focus on different parts of your body that connect to the tree. We begin to deepen the meditation here by feeling the water get sucked up through our roots into our trunks, travel through our branches and give life to our leaves. We feel the complete cycling of water from root to leaf, absorb the sun to give the water extra power, then feel the water cycle back down into the earth taking all un-needed and negative energy with it. As the negative energy drains into the ground we allow it to balance into positive fertile energy. This energy gives the ground nutrients that feed your energy as the tree completing the cycle of healing & life.

You work in this energy for as many minutes that you set your meditation for. For my beginners I say 5 minutes is good. For my more advanced practitioners I say 20 minutes is appropriate. You may fall asleep while doing this meditation as it is very healing and relaxing. If you run into blocks or thoughts and emotions you can turn them into fluid water like energy and allow them to flow out of you with the water. As the water flows through these areas it replaces the blocks with positive nutrients that you need to reach a healthy balance.

Here is a nice Meditation Music to accompany this meditation.


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