Monday, June 30, 2014

Power of 3 Mala Prayer Meditation

This is the prayer meditation that I do with my son every morning. In life the power of three is strength in creation. The first mantra creates. The second mantra is the foundation. The third mantra is stabilization. When we bring all three together we create a permanent structure and balance. In prayer we speak with the universe. This is many things in different religions. We all come back to one source. If you choose to adopt this mantra set you can make it your own to feel comfortable. I have struggled for many years trying to decide what to call the universal energy of life. Some days you will see me say God, or Lord & Lady, other times it is the Universe or the All. From everything I have learned in my 30 years of religious practice from every religion and science study I have ever had the honor of getting to know is that we are all one energy source feeding into each other, created from one source of central energy.

For this prayer meditation you start with the first bead on your Mala or prayer beads. For the first bead you say the following mantra:

"God you made me intelligent. Please help me with discipline, focus & follow through, so I can accomplish my tasks & achieve my goals. Blessed Be!"

After saying this you move to the next bead on the Mala or prayer beads. You say the following:

"I am grateful for all that I am, all that I have, and all that you want me to be! Thank you for creating me!"

After we say this we move to the next bead and say the third mantra:

"May you find healing & love for all that you give! I honor & respect you oh Lord as I honor & respect me!"

You continue to move from one bead to the next after saying each mantra, creating a complete circle of words. You move through each bead until you get back to the Meru bead or large beginning & ending bead. The continuous repetition breathes your words into existence. The follow through through all 108 Mala beads creates discipline. You will feel stronger and more grounded from practicing this prayer meditation everyday! You will also notice that you have more clarity and insight into life! :)


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