Friday, February 6, 2015

Reading With Oracle Cards Vs. Tarot Cards

Some people ask what is the difference in reading with Oracle Cards vs. Tarot Cards? While the cards can cross the lines into each other depending on the reader, the general difference between Oracle Cards & Tarot Cards is that they each give a different perspective. Tarot Cards define a path and can show a linear timeline of events making it easier to detail the situations you are in, have been in, and are going to face. Oracle Cards take a deeper look into where you are, where you have been, and where you are going. You gain a deeper look at your path, while also gaining a deeper look into who you are internally. Right now my path is dark when reading my Tarot Cards. This is due to having so much change going on in my life. My Tarot Cards keep saying live life one moment at a time. This is good direction and advice, however when you are in this much darkness from change you have to deal with the fears of the unknown and the constant yanking of the change. The chaos can drive a person mad. I have many different Oracle Cards, the one in the picture below is the Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. In this reading I was able to better understand the darkness I am walking through.

Brigit shows me I am on the right path. That it is important not to back down from what I believe in. I am going to make a future note here. (Just because you do not back down from a belief does not mean that you have to allow yourself to be controlled by the fear of what you are facing).

Butterfly Maiden shows me that I am in the hardest part of Transformation and that is the final death of change. As I watch the final parts of the caterpillar becoming the butterfly there is a form of living death that happens. It is a transition from letting go of who the caterpillar was and facing the transition of becoming the unknown. In this you have to let go of the fear of who you were, what you are becoming and who you will be. In reading the words I know that this enormous change I am facing will be a good one. I can feel the words resonant with my being. This is a very deep card for me in this reading because it speaks of and shows me the many fears I have to let go of. It also shows me the fears of everyone else who is apart of this change. Through this I can see where and how our lives will separate. I can see our divided paths. Most of all I can finally see the freedom from the darkness I have been desiring.

Green Tara was another powerful card. So often for those of us who are very independent we do not like to ask for help nor do we like to really talk about what we are going through. We feel like a burden to others and do not ask for help very often. A lot of this stems from when we ask for help from the people we trust we get shunned because they do not have the strength to help us. It is easier to put us down or try to put us in a closet to make us and the problem go away. In some cases this is because it is something that they reflect into their lives that they are not ready to face. This makes it difficult for strong people to reach out because they tend to find that they are the strongest people they know. From this card I can begin to see the blocks that I put up to protect myself. I have asked for guidance over the last few weeks many times from the universe and I always receive help, but not always in the way that I would have liked help. But knowing that every time is not the last time I asked for help from the universe when I did my meditation after this reading and found much guidance. I found myself wrapped in positive love inside and out. This allowed me to work through letting go and separating myself from my fears.

Maat really made me understand that Fairness is apart of where I am. It showed me the in balance that I am facing because of being in the middle of change. Much of what I am going through does not seem fair and it does hurt. Yet in her eyes I could see a calming and I could hear her telling me that I am going through all this at this moment because it is the time for me to let all of this go. The fairness is in me being separated from my past and allowing me to be free. In this it allows others to be freed as well. I can see them taking their own journey to face themselves. No longer am I to be responsible for their energy or lesson. This is very powerful to me. I have spent many years being responsible for the actions of others. I am finally freeing myself from this habit pattern.

Ostara is all about Fertility. This is another powerful card. It showed me that what I am putting into life has not only been sown, but it is growing all around me. I got to see the beginning stages of a plant changing from a seed into a seedling. We do not always see the amazing change that is happening during this time. I could see all the positive energy I am growing becoming the life around me. When you are in the darkness of change you can feel like a starving farmer who is waiting as patiently as they can to see what if any of the seeds they have planted are going to grow. It is a nervous and scary time where self doubt can feed on fear. Much like waiting for the pot to boil it is not the pot boiling that creates the fear, but the desperateness of the situation that is fueling the fear. In this card I found peace from the waiting.

Finally Athena told me to trust my Inner Wisdom. In this card I got a chance to really sit with my fear. I sat with how I would feel if one of the people came back into my life. I realized that I am scared about the people I am separating myself from having any control over my life. They cause so much hurt from their lies. So much pain from them delighting in having control over someone as strong as me because they have no control over themselves. These people play a significant role in me and my children's lives and in my mother instinct I am not only trying to protect myself I am also trying to protect my children. I had to begin to let go of the fear of them having any form of influence in my life. This one was not as easy to face as it had all the pain of what I have gone through attached to it. That pain created the fear of my future and their future. I could see the walls I put up to keep people out and how they cannot protect me. I could see the proper boundaries that I put up and how they would protect me and allow me to let go of this fear and thus let go of the influence they have in my life.

After this reading came a deep meditation where I really looked at myself and what I am holding on to. It really showed me where I am at in life. As you can see you get a look into the path that you are on, but it is more of an abstract guiding light. All forms of cards are intended to be used to show us how to work through who we are and our blocks towards balancing ourselves completely. When used properly both Tarot & Oracle Cards are a way to answer the difficult questions in life. It is said that path of life is hidden in Tarot Cards and it is. When we take the focus off the external and work internally the cards guide us to the path of the divine within us. We have to have the courage, integrity, strength, loyalty, focus, and drive to take the long road to our best highest good. These cards are not for play. They are not a hobby to find out is this person cheating on me? They are about understanding the physical road on our spiritual journey.

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