Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Deep Meditation Switching the Polarities of Energy

This blog post is for the people I know who are more advanced in working with and understanding energy. The flipping of polarities seems like a simple concept and in some cases it is once you master how to become one with energy. There are some naturals that will get it off the bat, but as a natural we can pick things up a few times but we always need to put in the work to ensure that it is done right!

I was working with negative polarities the other day. These were the deep seeded negative energies that belonged to emotions and ingrained personality traits in me. Before I could flip the polarities I had become one with the energies. This can be difficult when it is not something that we want to accept. This is even harder when we have to accept it as a part of who we have been and bring it into the understanding as it is apart of who we are. When we work with energy such as this we cannot continue to push it away, we have to embrace and hold it. I have done long term energy healings with people before who have developed multiple personalities due to heavy trauma. We worked with each personality making the person feel safe and brought them back to balance. This is much the same concept. It is the acceptance and love that we give to the negative energy. Negative energy is a void that needs to be filled. We have to becareful what we fill it with as this type of energy is very potent and fertile. You will see almost instant results in what you put into this type of energy.

Ever wonder why negative things happen so quickly and positive things seem to take forever? It has to do with their polarities and quantum vibrations. Negative energy is just like Earth soil that has been touched by a dead and decaying corpse whether it be human or animal. This is the most fertile of soil. This is also the most fertile of energy. When negative energy reaches a certain polarity it begins to draw on the energy of life to fill it, just like death. The soil will produce amazing plants. You can create the most amazing things in this energy, but only if you continue to be a positive source of energy.

In flipping the polarities of energy of this frequency you begin with the acceptance, face the fears, shame, and guilt. Next you embrace and draw it in with love. You will feel it begin to drain your energy source. It is at this point that you take it in whole and use the energy (flipping it) to energize you rather than deplete your energy. You have to remember this is an energy source pure and strong just as your energized energy. It is just at a different polarity and frequency. Be sure to remember the breath as you do this. Your end result will be the polarity will work for you. It will still be a negative polarity, but it will be on the positive side of its spectrum. For those that do not understand this. There is a hypo and hyper polarity within each polarity. I like to use hate. You can be a really positive person filled with hate or a really negative person filled with hate. Either way you still hate!

In the situation with the negative polarity it is not about getting rid of it, it is about bring it to a balance. In bringing it to a balance you will find balance within you!

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