Friday, May 22, 2015

Beginning Notes for the Kinetics of You

Here is a little peak at what I have been working on....... Taking holistic healing to the next level! These are the beginning notes for my next book I am working on called the Kinetics of you! Enjoy!

Energy must be measured by six variable contexts:
The first is through vibration rate. Quantum Theory and Kinetics show that to measure the power of energy such as electricity and cellular waves they have a higher vibrational rate therefore creating a more sparse form of physical consistency. It is in this sparse form that it makes it difficult to see these energies with the naked eye. The same can be said for spiritual energy as the vibrational rate is much higher than either of these forms of energy.

The second is through viscosity. While viscosity is usually used to measure a liquid form, upon working with energy it has become apparent that the vibrational rates create a varying density rate of vibration thus creating different consistency in the viscosity of the energy itself.  Resulting in light and thick contextual feelings consistent with that only found in liquid.

The third is through sound. Everything has a sound based on its vibrational rate. Things that are more physical produce a lower sound tone such as a rock. This is because of the density of the vibrational pattern. More sparse vibrational energies are more difficult to see but can be heard. We find evidence of this in hearing the energy of electricity in a silent room at the tone of high c. The more sparse the energy the higher the tone.

The fourth is through heat recognition. Energy in its more sparse forms creates a physical heat affect.

Internal Vibrations

External Radiation

Energy can also be measured in negative, positive and neutral polarities of -1, 0, 1. In each side of these polarities also contains a negative, neutral and positive structure of -1, 0, 1. Neutral has often been referred to absolute zero. It is only in the absolute zero where the most efficient forms of transmutation can begin. In the first measurement of -1, 0, 1 you are measuring the type of energy vibration you are working with. This does not mean that it is good or bad it only talks of the density rate with the lowest form of density vibrating at the negative polarity and the sparsest form of energy vibrating at the positive polarity. The second measurement of -1, 0, 1 is found in the negative or positive contextually. This explained in the first measurement we have hate (-1), neutral (0), and love (1). If I am in the positive side of energy I am in love, but that does not mean that I am in a good form of love. In the second measurement we see this reflection as in love there can be under loving/neglectful (-1), balanced love (0), and over loving obsessive/smothering (1). On the opposite in (-1) hate there can be loathing/deep-seeded hatred, general dislike (0), discontent (1).

Energy of creation. Extended forms of vibrational energy is being in the absolute zero of the negative polarity which is a more physical form of energy and learning to vibrate at the same resolution as that found in the absolute zero of its polar opposite. This creates the ultimate balance of yin/yang affect. Although this is a difficult balance to achieve it is one of great power and creation. It is in this energy that we find the greatest potency for creation. It is equivalent to that of the creation of life. We see in nature that the best plants come from soils in which a form of death has happened. The Ying is the energy of death or that which is most negative. It is the most fertile of energies. When you introduce the Yang or that which is most positive into it you open the pathways of creation. 

Transmutation of energy happens when you are able to switch the polarities of the energy through learning to control you through your thoughts, emotions and reactions.

Energy Jump: 

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