Monday, September 8, 2014

Meditation While Sleeping

In order to combat restless leg syndrome and waking up with arms and hands that have fallen asleep I use a breathing meditation before I go to sleep. Both of these conditions as well as sleep apnea are conditions from our body not breathing appropriately when we sleep. Some people think that just because we are asleep we have no control over ourselves, but that is entirely not true. I have found that practicing my deep breathing practice prior to going to bed limits the times that I have restless leg syndrome while I sleep and from my other limbs from falling asleep as I sleep. I have also found that if I wake up during the middle of the night with restless legs or limbs that have fallen asleep that my deep breathing regulation stops both again. During some nights my dreams will pause and I will have full outer body experiences where my spirit communicates to my body telling it to breathe soothing out the situation and then I continue back to my deep slumber and dream state. It is amazing the power our breath has over our health! If you suffer from any of these conditions try regulating your breathing during the day when you are awake, before you go to sleep and when you wake up. A proper breath comes from the diaphragm and makes your stomach inflate on inhalation. Exhalation will cause your stomach to deflate. You will feel the breath go through your body. If you become light headed this is a sign that you do not breath appropriately on a regular basis. Take time and practice. Life will balance itself!

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